Wake up and live

This morning, before work, before breakfast, I sat in my dark living room looking at my smartphone with dull, blurry eyes. Sipping my 1st cup of coffee—– Slowly waking up. (Slowly wasting time.)

came across this article and was surprised to find in it some thought provoking content.

One day the writer realized he wasn’t living his life the way he wanted. He realized that he was in control. To change something, to wake up and live, or continue down the unhealthy path he was on; with numb mind and slumped shoulders. His choice.          

He took charge, made changes , and is now helping others to do the same. 

I started thinking – what is one thing I can improve?

I’d like to think more. I’d like to generate some creative steam, to be passionate about something. But it’s difficult. There’s no time, I’m too busy, too tired.

Will I continue down this unhealthy path of mental laziness, trudging along in the trench of monotony? Or will I narrow my focus, break the routine, and make time to live?

Driving to work this morning, in an effort to escape the all too familiar holiday music and the tiresome top 20 songs , I turned off the radio.

Don’t get me wrong, I love music… real music. Music that is good because I like it. I get so tired of being spoon fed the same 10 songs Mon- Fri , 8-5. Day in and day out.

So, in my car, I turned it off and after a few minutes of road noise…. my brain turned on.

One thought that kept bobbing in my mind was, “I’m so caught up in the day to day that there’s just no time to live.”

Well, what is one thing I can change?

I’ve got it!

Tomorrow morning I will drink my coffee in the garage, not the living room. 10 minutes of lifting weights instead of scanning the news highlights. A simple break. A positive move. It won’t cost me anything and it won’t take time from anything, or anyone important.


3 thoughts on “Wake up and live”

  1. Wow, thanks for the inspiration. I have the same conversation daily, but it’s when I’m sitting at the office, thinking about how when I get home, I will have no time to do anything, thinking of all of the things that are already scheduled. But somehow we find time for the news, or a TV show. I guess I could take that time and live in the moment, cherish what I have, and realize that one day, it won’t be like this.

  2. I like the action you took. It doesn’t sound like much at first, but it’s a different way to start your day. This may lead to a different mindset, and could lead to you using parts of your mind left dormant. I recently started a program for myself that I dubbed “Action Mondays”, which consist of school(my current occupation), a workout at the dojo, and another workout that evening at the gym with my wife. I figure if I start the week off with a bang, the train will keep a rollin’ through the week.

    1. I like your “Action Monday” mindset. Life has sure delt you some blows. It’s encouraging to see you pressing on.
      I love how you return to the gym with your sweetie in the evening! Time is precious.

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